Conference Proceedings Submissions

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Conference Proceedings Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission is an original work and has not been published before or is under consideration for publishing at another journal or conference in the same form.
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text uses the template and all illustration, figure, and table anchors are placed within the text at the appropriate points. Figure and table captions are attached at the end of the document. (See the author guidelines for further details).
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The submission metadata form has been filled in and will be uploaded with the contribution
  • The Propylaeum license agreement has been filled in and will be uploaded with the contribution

Author Guidelines

General information

We recommend that you review the About the Journal page with the ethical guidelines and the Submissions page for the journal's section policies, as well as the current author guidelines. Authors need to register with the journal prior to submitting or, if already registered, can simply log in and begin the five-step process.

Documents required

Every contribution submitted to the CHNT proceedings has to contain the following documents:

Manuscript Guidelines

Please use our template containing the guidlines and stylesheets for the submission of your work. You can obtain the template and guidelines file here: docx/odt. In this document you will also find information on the length of the different formats and the number of figures.

Please make sure to fill in and submit also the metadata form for your contribution. You can find it here: docx/odt.

By submitting the long abstract, you agree that this contribution may be published under the terms of the CC BY-NC-ND 3.0/CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license in the CHNT proceedings. As the final volume will be published at propylaeum, you are additionally required to fill in the license agreement of propylaeum.

All submissions will be reviewed after submission. It is therefore possible that your submission is rejected, or you will be asked to make some changes before it is published.

For additional remarks or detailed references, please use footnotes instead of endnotes. Footnotes concerning a single word should be positioned immediately after the word. Footnotes concerning a whole sentence should be positioned after the full stop. In-text references must not be written in footnotes. 


Figures have to be submitted as separate files in well-established raster graphic formats, such as *.tif, *.png, *.gif, *.jpg. Please use the following naming convention:




Every figure must be referenced in the text by an anchor in Brackets, e.g.

The template is there to guarantee a smooth publishing process and a neat appearance of the proceedings (see Figure 1). Not using the submission form will result in a delay of publication, a frustrated and overloaded committee and unforgiving reviewers (Figure 2).

Please enter all the figure captions in the according form field in the template file. Figure captions should consist of complete sentences and explain the context visible in the Figure.

There are two sizes of figures possible: Full page (17 cm width) or half page (8 cm width). If you include Text in your figures, make sure it is large enough to be read in print, given the desired size of the Figure.

Authors must obtain permission to publish illustrations taken from a copyrighted source. The figure caption must include the appropriate credit information.


Please submit tables as separate files in *.csv, *.xls or *.ods-files. In the text include anchors, referring to the tables.

Tables should be numbered according to the order in which they first appear. Please ensure you refer to each table in your text. Above each table, captions including text beyond the table name are mandatory. Please enter all the table captions in the form fields in the according section further below in this document.

References in the text

Please use the Harvard Manchester style as a referencing system: using author-year system with page numbers where necessary.

The citation of the paper by Boasson and Visser (2017) provides a template for citing a Studies in Digital Heritage publication. Polig (2016, pp. 1–3) published in a CHNT proceedings.

References Section

Please use the Harvard Manchester style as a referencing system: Please make sure, URLs and URIs are provided as interactive hyperlink as seen in the examples below.

Author Contributions

Please use this section to list the contributions of the project participants, authors and non-authors alike, according to the CRediT system. See specific descriptions of the role here: ( Please omit non-applicable roles.

Conceptualization: <contributor names>
Data curation: <contributor names>
Formal Analysis: <contributor names>
Funding acquisition: <contributor names>
Investigation: <contributor names>
Methodology: <contributor names>
Project Administration: <contributor names>
Resources: <contributor names>
Software: <contributor names>
Supervision: <contributor names>
Validation: <contributor names>
Visualization: <contributor names>
Writing – original draft: <contributor names>
Writing – review & editing: <contributor names>


Papers are intended to present new research and best-practices concerning methods, technologies and their application in the cultural heritage sector as well as thorough discussions of their impact and theoretical implications in the field. The papers are subject to single-blind peer-review by external reviewers and members of the scientific committee of CHNT. CHNT Papers usually have a length between 10.000 and 25.000 characters.

The papers will be presented in a session at the conference. The paper should be submitted in the form of a long abstract.

Short Papers

Short papers provide the opportunity to present a wide range of topics, ranging from the presentation of new projects, preliminary reports or the exchange of experiences and smaller tweaks in the application of already established methods and technologies. Short papers are reviewed by the session chairs and the editorial team of CHNT. The usually have a length of between 5.000 and 10.000 characters.

The short papers will be presented in a round table or a session at the conference. The short paper should be submitted in the form of a long abstract

Poster abstracts

In this section, the abstracts of poster presentations will be published.

Pre-Conference Abstracts

In this section the long abstracts are accepted prior to the conference. Please select exactly one Session from the available list. Submissions will be reviewed by the respective session chairs. If the submissions are accepted to the conference, the authors will have the possibility to publish a full paper in the proceedings. Alternativly, the accepted abstract can be extended and published as a short paper. Pre-conference abstract have a minimun length of 2.500 characters.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.