Expert System & Thesaurus of Concepts and Terms «Byzantine Law and Acts»

"Byzantine Law and Acts"


  • Yury Vin
  • Dmitry Kondratiev Freelancer


Expert System, Thesaurus, Byzantine law


Byzantine law and acts are an integral part of the world cultural and scholarly heritage. Its study demands the application of new digital technologies. The Expert System "Byzantine law and acts'' (ES) is represented as a conceptual project (Fig. 1), which provides for the development of a standalone version of ES as well as online ES and Thesaurus of law concepts and terms. The building of the ES complex is carried out following the principles of a systems approach to the development and implementation of means, which ensure a free access to video-, audio- and text-information of expert data on the monuments of Byzantine law and acts. The centre of expert data is information array of Knowledge base "Annotations" (KBA). It, including primarily textual information, is designed to support the information and analytical expertise of materials of Byzantine law and acts as a scientific and critical apparatus. The Block of information expertise (BIE) is the main means of storage and direct representation of expert knowledge in structure of ES. BIE accumulates expert data in the proper sense of the word, including video-, audio- and text-interview of leading branch specialists as well as graphics (schemes and tables) and visual materials, employees to get expert evaluations.


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