Assessing Spectator Positions

A Case Study from Cochasquí, Ecuador


  • Irmela Herzog LVR-Amt für Bodendenkmalpflege im Rheinland
  • Alden Yépez Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador


GIS, viewshed analysis, close-range visibility analysis, Ecuador


This paper presents a methodology for close-range visibility analysis, taking the aspects into account that are relevant for spectators in theatres or sport stadiums. This methodology is applied in the pre-Inca and pre-hispanic site of Cochasquí, Ecuador that encompasses 15 truncated pyramids, nine of these with ramps, and several burial mounds. Archaeological and historical evidence suggests that large festivities took place at this site in its second phase (ca. 1250–1550 AD). For assessing potential spectator positions, a 3D model of the site is required. This model was computed from contour line data with a vertical distance of 1 m. Adequate slopes for sitting positions are derived from photographs taken at a large festival in the archaeological park of Cochasquí. These potential sitting positions are assessed with respect to different event scenarios. The basis of this assessment is data on modern visitors of sites or events. This data allows defining comfortable and tolerable ranges of the viewing distance and viewing angles. A viewing performance indicator for any position on the site’s surface is defined that combines the individual viewing parameters. This performance indicator is 0, if one of the individual viewing parameters is neither in the tolerable nor in the comfortable range. A performance indicator of 100 indicates an optimal viewing position, i.e., all viewing parameters are in the comfortable range. For the spectator scenarios investigated, thematic maps are presented that visualise the performance indicators of the potential sitting positions with respect to a selected event scenario. The outcomes allow estimating the number of potential spectators. This number is significantly lower than the number derived from standard GIS viewshed analysis.


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