Virtual reconstruction and 3D modeling for the auralization of acoustic Heritage
The case study of the Teatro del Maggio in Florence
Acoustic model, AURA, Mixed reality, Digital survey, Cultural heritageAbstract
The challenge of the AURA project is the creation of multisensory models performing reliably both in acoustics and in graphic rendering and virtual reality used to support and encourage business opportunities related to musical heritage and its communication and dissemination. To achieve this goal, three highly emblematic case studies at the European level will be examined to test and develop a methodology for digitization, virtual reconstruction, and auralization. The three case studies - the Konzerthaus in Berlin, the Opera in Lviv, and the Teatro del Maggio Fiorentino - have differences that influence the choice of the methodology of analysis and the technical tools to be applied. The solution presented in this paper for the case study of the Teatro del Maggio in Florence foresees not only to develop multisensory 3D models based on reliable metric-morphological supports but also to create a scientific and replicable methodology of the workflow of the elements classification and virtual reconstruction aimed at auralization.
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