Photogrammetric 3D digitisation of models from an architectural collection
digitisation, architectural models, photogrammetry, research data management, specialised information serviceAbstract
The specialised information service FID BAUdigital develops a 3D scanning and data publishing service for architectural models. Starting with an automatic acquisition procedure featuring photogrammetric methods implemented in the CultArm3D it goes on to postprocessing and data enrichment and further to a repository infrastructure providing access guided by FAIR data principles. Such an undertaking demands a metadata model informed by the digitized objects and utilisation of the resulting digital assets in architectural research. Therefore, this contribution identifies at least four relevant perspectives on digital architectural models: 1. As digital objects as result of a scanning procedure. 2. As representation of artifacts emerging from a certain cultural context. 3. As items within a collection. 4. As representations of build or unbuild architecture. These perspectives have to be taken into account in metadata models and as starting points for open linked data. Examples are given reflecting these perspectives as well as use-cases for digitised models. These digital versions provide more access to architectural models and more interoperability for semantic web applications. But they are not exclusively seen as medium for scholarly or museal use but as research data allowing new digital methods. The FID BAUdigital aims to further develop this service alongside with suitable metadata models driven by the demands of the research community.
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Conference Proceedings Volume
Copyright (c) 2025 Andreas Noback, Chris Dähne, Roger Winkler, Stephan Tittel, Annika Beissner, Katja Leiskau, Hasan Kutlu, Reimar Tausch, Martin Schurig, Matevz Domajnko, Pedro Santos
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